BBL Reduction With Dr. Hakimi
A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure designed to augment and reshape the buttocks. It involves taking excess fat from other areas of the body, such as the hips or abdomen, and injecting it into the backside to add volume without implants. While BBLs can enhance your natural curves and help you achieve a dramatic look, you may be looking to restore a more proportional figure as aesthetic trends change and your own personal tastes evolve.
If what seemed sexy in your 20s feels unsophisticated in your late 30s or early 40s, a BBL reduction or revision with Dr. Hakimi can remove excess fat from the buttocks without sacrificing its perky shape. This procedure involves expertly performed liposuction to sculpt more balanced contours. Depending on how much fat is removed, your procedure may also include radiofrequency skin tightening to eliminate sagging or stretched skin for optimal results.
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