How Long Is The Recovery For A Tummy Tuck?

Recovering after surgery is never something a patient looks forward to, but it is a necessary step for achieving a safe, successful, and stunning outcome. When it comes to tummy tuck surgery specifically, the healing time is often lengthier than other procedures, so it is important for patients to know what to expect during tummy […]

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What To Expect Before And After A Tummy Tuck Procedure

Just like planning a vacation or writing a grocery list, preparation is key when it comes to a successful tummy tuck surgery. By knowing what to expect and planning ahead, patients can maximize their chances for a smooth procedure, speedy recovery, and long-lasting results. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hakimi is committed to making sure […]

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What Is An Extended Tummy Tuck?

If you have recently lost a lot of weight, you may be experiencing significant excess skin. While happy with your weight loss, excess skin can cause embarrassment, an awkward appearance like the “muffin top,” or even, in some cases, cause physical limitations. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hakimi offers his Newport Beach, CA and surrounding […]

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