Beverly Hills, CA plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hakimi has helped numerous men and women achieve beautiful, natural-looking results and look years younger with an eyelid lift. Eyelid surgery can help tighten the skin around the eyes and give a little cosmetic “lift” to your eye area. Do you look more tired or older than you feel? Do you struggle with puffiness or bags underneath your eyes? If you’re thinking about having upper or lower eyelid surgery, or both, in Beverly Hills, CA, you should schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hakimi. The following are five simple tips to reduce swelling after eyelid surgery from the team at Dr. Hakimi’s office.
Are you considering an eyelid lift in Beverly Hills, CA?
Whether it is a cosmetic need or for a medical reason, eyelid surgery can restore a person’s overall appearance with this one procedure. Beverly Hills, CA patients often say they look more “awake” and youthful after their eyelid procedure. Your friends may even ask, “Why do you look so rested?” Cosmetic eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is performed for aesthetic reasons to restore a more youthful appearance around the eyes. However, some individuals need a functional blepharoplasty for medical reasons, especially among older patients. The skin around the eye area is delicate and thin, and one of the first areas affected by the aging process. Eyelids can begin to sag or droop, actually impeding a person’s line of sight.
Can I expect bruising and swelling after eyelid surgery?
Dr. Hakimi will determine at your initial consultation and exam what you need. He will listen to your medical or aesthetic concerns and then give a detailed surgical plan for your blepharoplasty procedure. Every person has different facial features, and the eyes are no exception. While some patients only need an upper or lower blepharoplasty, others need both. Regardless of what surgical technique is required, expect swelling and bruising after eyelid surgery. Here are some simple tips to follow to help ease any discomfort:
- Keep your head elevated when sleeping or resting during the day
- Use cold compresses for the first 24 – 48 hours
- Get plenty of rest and forgo vigorous physical activity for at least 4 – 6 weeks
- Limit your salt or sodium intake to help with swelling or inflammation
- Eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated to help your body heal more quickly
How long will swelling after eyelid surgery last?
Patients can expect to experience some eye redness, slight bruising, and swelling around the eye area for the first week or two. Most patients feel soreness but rarely any pain or severe discomfort. Upon leaving Dr. Hakimi’s office, the caring staff will provide individualized instructions to follow while recovering at home. It will include resting for several days and letting your body recover. You can expect bruising and swelling after eyelid surgery to last about 2 – 3 weeks. Most patients feel ready to go back to work in about 10 – 14 days, and around six weeks, you will start to see the final results. Until then, apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes during recovery from eyelid surgery.
Do you have droopy or saggy eyelids? Do you look tired or older around your eyes? Upper or lower eyelid surgery effectively addresses any cosmetic or medical concerns you may have while restoring a more youthful look once again. To learn more about eyelid lift in Beverly Hills, CA, contact our office to schedule an online or in-person consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Hakimi today.